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Library and Archives

In the one hundred years of the Beato Angelico School Foundation's life, its multifaceted activities have produced a great deal of documentary evidence of the most varied nature: printed material, drawings, photographs, architectural models, cartoons for wall decorations, mosaics, stained glass windows and more. The Foundation boasts an in-house library specialising in liturgical arts with more than 40,000
volumes and one of the richest Archives on Architecture and Sacred Art of the 20th century. Of particular importance are the fonds of the Architecture Studio (construction of sacred buildings and liturgical adaptations) and the Art and Craft Workshops (decoration, chiselling, embroidery and tailoring). The Foundation's Archive is responsible for preserving and making an inventory of this important heritage, ensuring that it can be consulted for study and research purposes.

The Library of the Scuola specializes in the subjects of liturgy, art and sacred architecture and holds about forty thousand volumes, as well as some of the major periodicals in the sector. Archival material and library volumes can be consulted from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 12:30.

Before accessing the library spaces, we ask interested parties to send an e-mail by clicking on the button below and specifying the day and time of entry.